Meet Your Birth Bestie!


I’m a non-medical trained professional who provides women with emotional and physical support throughout pregnancy and birthing.

As a mom of three, I’ve been there more than once and understand firsthand what you’re going through! Allow me to help.

Let’s get started!

Making birth calm, comforting and empowering

The birth guidance and support that I provide is a natural connection to the rest of your health and wellness. I want you to feel seen and know that I highly value this part of my work. You might be someone planning to get pregnant in the near future or are already a mother, looking for a different and unique alternative to birthing your next child.

Ways that I can help:

Nutrition: I coach you during pregnancy and postpartum

Birth Guidance: I offer unwavering support to you and your family before, during and after birth. I will stay in close contact in order to routinely check how you’re doing and step in with anything you might need to help navigate this beautiful time of growing your family.

Doula: I provide support through the pregnancy and the birth itself (not postpartum)

Placenta Encapsulation: Through this process, I will take your placenta, steam it with herbs and grind it into a fine powder, so that it can be put into capsules.

By the time you labor, we will have a strong bond and established relationship, so that I’m like your birthing bestie experiencing this precious and vulnerable time with you, not a stranger. I will be someone who you know and trust!

Hi, I’m Brooke!

I had my first son at 27, with a hospital birth induction. I’ve become more educated since then, so when I had my second son, I knew my body could do this on its own. I had a traditional hospital birth again, but this time, it was completely natural - no epidural or getting induced.

For the birth of my third son, I switched things up and trained my husband to act as my doula, as I had our child at home.

Now, I’m committed to and passionate about helping other mothers to understand their options (whether they go to a hospital or stay home) when birthing, so that they feel supported, empowered and in control of their child birth experience, like I always desired for myself.

I’m your birthing bestie - a cheerleader in birth for women and a cheerleader for people who want to change their lifestyle and health outcomes in general. Hyper Habits Birth Support is simply a natural extension of my wellness brand, so that I can coach and inspire women before, during and after birth to be the happiest and healthiest versions of themselves!

Individualized + Positive Support

Individualized + Positive Support •