Lead a healthy lifestyle without restriction!

We will teach you evidence-based practices about health and wellness and help you to finally reach your goals without compromising your lifestyle!

Sound like you?

  • Are you a busy mom wanting to find yourself again?

  • Are you showing up every day to workout, but aren’t seeing the results you want?

  • Do you want to learn more about nutrition and how it can support your fitness efforts?

  • Do you want to stop hating your body and actually understand it?

You’ve come to the right place. We can help!

Get the results you’ve always wanted…

"Hyper" in medical terms means above normal.

"Habits" are settled or regular tendencies or practices.

The United States is one of the most unhealthy countries with obesity rates at an all-time high.

In order to be considered healthy individuals, we must develop and practice habits that are above the societal norm.

We offer individualized protocols tailored to fit your needs. You will get positive support and guidance—Know better, do better! We will help you to learn and understand how shifting your mindset and developing daily habits will leave you feeling and looking your best without restriction:

1:1 Lifestyle & Nutrition Coaching

Group Macro Coaching

1-Time Macro Count/Nutrition Protocol


Free Coaching Consultation

Local in-person Workouts

Training Programs

Hi, I’m Brooke!

In 2013, I said enough was enough. I was tired of being overweight and unhealthy. I decided I was no longer going to be a product of my upbringing and genetics. It was time to change my life! Here we are years later and one thing remains — CONSISTENCY!

I’ve suffered from binge eating disorder, orthorexia and night eating syndrome - and have overcome all of them through mindset and behavioral shifts.

I want to help you do the same.

I’m a busy woman who wears many hats: business owner, teacher, mom, wife, certified nutrition coach, weight loss specialist and personal trainer. My journey started with bodybuilding, OCR, CrossFit, HIIT and powerlifting. I have literally done it all! I now solely focus on strength training, running (some), while I manage my busy family!

I have a Bachelors in Psychology which helps me know how to foster behavior changes in clients who struggle with relationships with food and restrictive mindsets. I also have a Masters in Education, I am an Elementary Intervention Specialist and love to teach. I love to inspire.

I know that taking care of myself and feeling my best makes me better at ALL of my jobs. I enjoy being outdoors, working out, running, rice crispy treats and pouring into others!

Are you ready to learn more about how I can teach you to walk the walk and not just talk the talk? Start showing up and do the work every single day. I’ll help you to get there. Let’s get started today!

I went from…

  • Working out 7 days per week

  • Extra cardio

  • Thinking I could “outwork” a crappy diet

  • Not fully aware of nutrition

  • Wondering why I wasn’t leaner because I was “doing everything right”


  • Lifting 4 days per week

  • Incorporating active rest days

  • Focusing on steps instead of cardio

  • Following an individualized macro protocol

  • Enjoying all of my favorite foods

  • Looking my best, feeling my best and food freedom


Meet Your Other Coach

Kiana Putman

I help women feel confident, be healthier and hit their goals. After I had my first daughter in 2018, I made a change to become the healthiest version of myself for not only myself, but for my family as well. I truly believe no one knows how bad they actually feel until they start feeling good - and that’s what I help people achieve. I’ve been the overweight girl, the one searching for a quick fix and I’ve also been fitness/body image-obsessed, letting it consume me. I can happily say that I’ve found the balance of good nutrition, strength training and some cardio, all while enjoying life. That’s what I help other busy women find!

Sign up for coaching!

(Purchase 1:1 Coaching with Kiana, 1 Time Macro Count, or Placenta Encapsulation in the HH Shop!)

1:1 Nutrition Coaching with Brooke:

With Hyper Habits Wellness, I (Brooke) use a science-based approach to achieving the results you have always wanted. You will get 1:1 nutrition coaching, which makes it 100% individualized and tailored to your needs. We will address your goals, focus on nutrition and macros in a way that makes the most sense for your lifestyle, family, and routine. The goal is to help you learn and understand how shifting your mindset and developing daily habits will leave you feeling and looking your best without restriction.

This is a 12-week commitment that includes a custom science-based nutrition protocol, weekly personalized video check-ins, comprehensive data tracker, full access to your coach for any questions, guidance, and accountability throughout your experience and AMAZING love and support from the HH community.

Investment: $300/month

Group Macro Coaching:

Learn how to track macros to achieve your health and physique goals. I will teach you how to take control of your nutrition without restriction! You will learn how to incorporate simple daily habits that add up to a healthy, balanced lifestyle!


What you get:

  • Custom macro count

  • On-boarding video sessions

  • Weekly Q&As

  • Accountability group

  • Additional resources:  4 week training program and progress tracker

Investment: $175

Let’s get started!

Are you interested in being coached by our team? Have questions?

Individualized + Positive Support

Individualized + Positive Support •